Welcome to AddOnMail Newsletter - October 2010

In this issue:

I. MP*Print® v1.7


I. MP*Print® v1.7


  • Printing of forwarded messages included in attachments
  • Selection of page/sheet to be automatically printed
  • Printing of .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .html attachments without launching application
  • Improved printing HTML attachments with pictures

MP*Print® v1.7 has been qualified on Vista, Windows 7, and on all versions of Outlook® including Outlook® 2010.


For more information about MP*Print®, please visit our website.

To download a trial version of MP*Print® v1.7, click here.


Email: sales@addonmail.com
Phone US/Canada: (1) 514 932 2992
Phone Outside US/Canada: +331 40 83 80 93

If you need further information you can contact us at +1 514 932 2992


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